Coaching Quirky Queers

Are you queer and fabulous and dedicated to creating a sense of belonging with those around you? Are you empathetic and sensitive? Are you deep as hell and quirky as fuck? (I am all these things, too.)

And—despite all your successes and beautiful attributes, do you sometimes struggle to see how powerful you really are? Even though belonging is one of your most important values and you stand for the belonging of others, do you often struggle to feel like you belong?

If this sounds like you and you’re needing an ally to partner with through whatever life transition you’re going through, let’s have a conversation.

When we coach, here’s what we’ll do

Make values your guide

Life gets better (and decisions get easier) when you key into your core guiding principles and learn to be guided by their wisdom.

Pare down & simplify

I’m going to work with you to reduce your commitments, set and love boundaries, and shield yourself from noise and numbing static.

Nurture liberated spaces full of belonging

I know you’re longing for loving community that maybe you’ve only had a glimmer of. Where we honor our identities, where the most marginalized among us thrive, and where we navigate harm and repair with grace and love. I can’t wait to support you in nurturing spaces where everyone feels held, cherished, whole and uplifted.

Orient towards pleasure & creativity

Justice work is hard! Building transformational community is hard! The world is a shit-show! Don’t go down in flames—orient toward pleasure (and away from self-destructive pleasure, too).

Heal your wounds

As a beautifully sensitive queerdo you’ve internalized a ton of negative messages and as a result have developed so many survival strategies that it’s done a number on your spirit. Part of our work is liberating yourself from that junk.

Learn more about coaching with me, including my rates and getting started.

Coach Dewey's collage of a scuba diver and little girl on the beach

My values collages:


This value is about curiosity, exploration, adventure, and liberation.

Schedule a free chat

If you are drawn to the idea of working with me, please reach out for a free no-pressure chat.